Accommodations bike service

Daraja collaborates with Hotels and local B&B. We lease out our bicycles so your visitors can immediately enjoy the freedom of cycling. Daraja offers a map with recommended cycling tours, so it is easy for anyone to enjoy the city of Cairo, Marrakech by bicycle. We will take care of any maintenance.

To those hotels and B&B that don’t have storage space for bicycles we offer a small promotional package so that visitors can easily contact us. If a reservation has been made, Daraja delivers the bicycles directly to the hotel, or any other location in Cairo, Marrakech requested by your guests.

This way, all hotels in the area have the opportunity to offer a highly entertaining and environment-friendly service to their costumers.


Bicycle food delivery service

Bicycle food delivery service

Daraja offers a way for restaurants to deliver their food by bike to costumers in an environment-friendly fashion. It’s both good for the environment and an easy way for restaurants to show costumers that they deliver food in a sustainable manner. Daraja provides the drivers, bicycles, and heath isolation materials.

For more information, please contact us, so we can discuss what we can do for each other.


Bike Events

We work together with several Festivals, Forums, Teambuilding sessions and a wide range of other events. There’s always a way to include bicycles, tandems or even group bikes in an event. Feel free to contact us to see what we can do for your organisation!

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